Excruciatingly Large Things

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Genetic Palmistry

→ by Danieru
In a technologically governed world isn't it time we found a modern alternative to the reading of palms? to weekly horoscopes? to Bible codes? to phrenological readings? The time has come for pure information to have its say on the soul of mankind. As we beckon in the start of The Genetic Age, please give a warm welcome to your new Oracle:

Genetic Palmistry

A, T, C, G - the letters chosen to denote life's complexity. A step or two up from the binary of computers, all the DNA of life on this planet can be described using four letters in varied sequence. Thus the human genome stretches out to a mind boggling three-billion letters in length. But that's not the only narrative one can weave, for DNA is simply the instructions behind the production of proteins, life's true work-horse, concerned with the "architecture, mechanics, senses and defenses of each and every cell and tissue in an organism's being".
"And here's where it gets interesting: Proteins are composed of strings of amino acids, pieced together as a direct result of DNA code. There are 20 different amino acids, each one denoted by a single letter. Since the amino-acid alphabet is only missing the letters B, J, O, U, X and Z, one can look for relevant words within the huge dataset of genomes—within life's code—and, perhaps, find wisdom..." - link
Now for the fun. Revel in the joys of language, in the wonders of genetic research. Give yourself a word phrase and its true meaning can be uncovered by comparing it against currently available DNA databases. The Huge Entity delves deep:
Search Term: HugeEntity
Closest Match: EENTITY
Result: Glycosyltransferase
Reading: Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of functional groups between donor and acceptor molecules. Found in species Xenopus laevis (the African clawed frog). The species is a tetraploid, meaning its spawn contains 4, rather than the usual 2, copies of each chromosome per cell.

The Huge Entity - More Chromosomes than the average Entity.

Search Term: JesusChrist
Closest Match: ESUSCHRIS
Result: Hypothetical protein in Caenorhabditis briggsae
Reading: Found in a 100 million year old, soil inhabiting parasitic nematode concerned with distributing bacteria and fungi through the earth.

Jesus Christ
- Merely Hypothetical.

Search Term: PresidentBush
Closest Match: ESIDENTB
Result: Entamoeba histolytica
Reading: A single-celled, species of parasitic protozoa causing entamoebiasis and amebic dysentery, characteristically causing blood and mucus in the stool of the recipient.

President Bush - A single-celled parasitic protozoa which causes bowel discomfort.
Something tells me that if Genetic Palmistry continues being so insightful the other predictive traditions might be in for some tough, strictly scientific, competition.

Try it out for yourself with the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), and don't forget to come back to The Huge Entity with your deeply profound, genetically pronounced insights.

Via: Seed Magazine!
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Blogger dotdotdot said...

Ha! Never realised blast searches could be so much fun. Except my name's closest match is a collagenase from a flesh eating bacterium. Not sure what that means.

January 25, 2006 9:03 AM    

Anonymous No Eyes said...


Search Term: HLYGRAIL
Closest Match: HLYGRAII
Result: Pseudomonas fluorescens
Reading: There are no records of allergic or other adverse effects following use of fluorescens. It is regarded as being of low mammalian toxicity.

January 25, 2006 4:56 PM    

Blogger Danieru said...

If only all Holy Relics were of 'low mammalian toxicity'...

January 26, 2006 3:37 PM    

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palmistry ...??? Interesting use of words, but a more comprehensive debate about the potential of palmistry is presented by this website: 10 years palmistry research. Thanks. Martijn.

May 09, 2006 4:25 PM    

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