Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


Do You Dare Enter 'The Book'?
A Dark Meta-Tale...

→ by Danieru
According to Samuel Taylor Coleridge the aim of art is to:
...transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.

~ 'Biograhic Literaria' - 1817
In my short story entitled 'The Book' I have tried to bring this disbelief back into question, to represent the relationship we have with fiction, in fictional form. This meta-analysis is intended to give the reader tools by which to better question objective reality (or a lack of such). The Fourth Wall has been broken down. In the words of Jean Baudrillard:
...to bring a real world into being is in itself to produce that world, and the real has only ever been a form of simulation. We may, admittedly, cause a reality-effect, a truth-effect or an objectivity-effect to exist, but, in itself, the real does not exist.

~ 'Passwords' - 2003
Here is an extract from 'The Book', a tale of gothic horror in which a young man trangresses the taboos of his world only to lose all sense of the semiotic order through a state of torture:
I conceived of the night engulfing my innards. It became the only way to drown out the searing pain of the sun on my flesh, but its deep calm stole away more than my torture. In the absence of my mind grew visions, ever more vivid than the stars of the milky way, which subsumed the matters of my physical body. Each of my senses took leave of themselves, allowing in their place to evolve a sense of nothingness. Without my senses I was no more. A world I had previously resolved in the chatter of my mind was made silent. All language; all referents fell beyond an invisible horizon, from which no escape was possible. The forms I had relied on from my very earliest of memories began to dissolve in the blackness. An infinity welled up inside me; at its heart, I became God.

~ Daniel Rourke, 'The Book' - 2007
You can read the entire short story here.

(Issued in Word format, under a Creative Commons Licence.)

I hope you enjoy my meta-fictional attempt to bring question upon the world; touring innumerable paths of your perceptions; drawing a labyrinth of possible worlds; sketching a vision of your own self, as God:
It is clear that the world is purely parodic, in other words, that each thing seen is the parody of another, or is the same thing in a deceptive form… all things would be visibly connected if one could discover at a single glance and in its totality the tracings of an Ariadne’s thread leading thought into its own labyrinth.

~ Georges Bataille, 'The Solar Anus'
Please give it a read; pass it on, and let me know what you think...

Past posts related to this project include:
Navigating The Logos Labyrinth
The Realm of The New Fictions
Breaching the Fourth-Wall of Consensus Reality
This Pantheistic Meta-Hallucination: How Fiction Supersedes Simulacra

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Anonymous wordgasm said...

:o I love your short story; it was like a walk through an experience of mysticism (which of course is largely ineffable or intranscribable). Reminds me of Charles Hoy Fort's The Book of the Damned. What's your inspiration? Your writing style resembles that of the Romans or the renaissance to put. And you indeed are worthy of my worship. I hail you. hahaha. good stuff :D

January 25, 2007 7:54 AM    

Blogger Danieru said...

You're the God, not me. Oh I wish... Thanks for the input!

January 26, 2007 11:03 AM    

Anonymous plu said...

challenging in it's elegance and "mortyfiing" in it's creation i suppose. to me, it sporadically referenced itself to bjork's clip bachelorette (youtube). apparently i'm not the only one who referenced it, maby it's already hardwired in the minds of gods :) (by who?) and is not missing the opportunities to express itself (thus, an entity too?).

and don't now which one is the variation of the other or whether they both contain each oder in a way that won't do justice to the provocation they put forth when looked at form dissociated points of view. the dissociation aspect it's what generates the meta states, critical for raising any question i think. though i don't believe is true for finding the answer though...

beliefs tend to collapse on themselves, fortunately you managed to equip your story with a parachute. and as I perceive it the signing "grand finale" (which is a bit annoying because its anticipation throughout the text) portrays the hailed idea that consciousness might just be the basic building bloc of all realities.

hoping i actually understood it (and i'm not sure about that yet), pretty powerful questions, to say the least, your story managed to effervescently energize my mind with and in turn this is the reason i decided to finally post a comment.

as for the huge entity itself, i just discovered it the other day and i'm ferociously devouring it. :)

November 17, 2007 8:45 PM    

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what means disbelieve for the moment

September 21, 2008 1:44 PM    

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